Nach Hersteller Gainward hat nun auch Asus die offizielle Ankündigung seiner GeForce FX 5900 (Ultra) Karten vollzogen. Hierbei wird es zwei Modelle geben, die V9950 auf Basis des FX 5900, und die V9950Ultra, angetrieben vom FX 5900 Ultra Chip. Bis wann die Karten auf den Markt kommen, und zu welchem Preis, ist bisher noch nicht bekannt. Folgend die originale Pressemeldung (Englisch)...
"Taipei, Taiwan; May 16, 2003 – ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (ASUS), a worldwide leader in high-performance graphics solutions, today announced the latest ASUS V9950 graphics card series incorporating NVIDIA´s GeForce FX 5900 family of graphics processing unit (GPU). When graphics card heavyweight ASUS meets the world´s fastest and most powerful GPU, the result is a solution delivering the most realistic visual on PC to date.
Power for industry-leading 3D graphics
The V9950 series and GeForce FX 5900 family have taken graphics performance to a whole new era. Large bandwidth of 256bit and NVIDIA´s exclusive Lightspeed Memory Architecture enable complex textures, lighting, and other effects to an entire scene. The new-generation CineFX 2.0 Engine, which delivers 2X floating point pixel shading power, and UltraShadow, NVIDIA´s new patent pending shadow volume acceleration technology, significantly enhances the performance for the latest engines such as Doom 3 and Abducted. The Intellisample HCT (Hi-resolution Compression Technology), as well as its new anisotropic algorithms, brings 50% efficiency improvement in texture, color, and Z compression than previous solutions, automatically providing a boost to antialiasing. AGP 8x graphics interface is of course available in this revolutionary graphics card.
Engineering excellence
With the first GPU to fully exert the advantage of 0.13-micron semiconductor fabrication process, 8-pixels per clock cycle, true 128-bit studio-precision pixel processing, 256-bit memory bus, high-level multi-API shading languages including Cg and HLSL, and complete support for DirectX 9.0 & OpenGL, the V9950 series is the best development and playback platform for next-generation cinematic-quality games.
Advanced thermal solution
High performance and high temperature often come hand in hand, but this is not the case in the V9950 series. ASUS developed an all-new thermal solution leveraging a one-slot, one-fan design to minimize size and noise (under 30dB). Combined with the unique copper heatsink, the V9950 series effectively cools down system temperature to provide a reliable and quiet environment.
ASUS proprietary GameFace technology
ASUS will also bundle an innovative utility. GameFace, a real time audio/video communication feature, elevates the interactive gaming experience by enabling point-to-point video conferencing functions and online gaming to take place simultaneously. Set up a web cam and see your opponent’s various facial expression as you out play him and follow up with some witty trash talk to rub it in.
ASUS is offering two solutions, the V9950Ultra based on the GeForce FX 5900 Ultra and the V9950, supporting the GeForce FX 5900, for the performance and mainstream market, respectively. For more information about the V9950 series, GameFace feature and other ASUS products, please visit the company homepage at"
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