Endlich ist es wieder soweit: Thermaltake bringt gleich zwei neue Varianten der bliebten Hardcano-Serie auf den Markt. Ab April diesen Jahres werden der Hardcano 9 und 10 weltweit erhältlich sein. Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Thermaltake (Englisch)...
"February 2003 - THERMALTAKE TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATION, the leading PC thermal management solution provider today announced the launch of Hardcano 9 and Hardcano 10. Designed specifically for users who wish to have more control over their PCs.
Hardcano 9 features four Fan Speed Controllers that enables users to take control over the fans inside the case. In addition, when the LCD Temperature Monitor is installed onto the processor, user has the ability to monitor the CPU temperature in real time. Built in alarm feature will also notify user when CPU temperature rises above the pre-set limit.
For user that utilizes various USB or Firewire (IEEE 1394) devices, Hardcano 10 offers two USB 2.0 Compliant and one Firewire front accessible ports. Hardcano 10 also includes two Fan Speed Controller, LCD Temperature Monitor and built in temperature alarm.
Hardcano 9 & 10 will be available in April worldwide. Please visit www.thermaltake.com for
future updates.
Thermaltake supports custom modifications of any of these products. For additional pricing, technical specifications and assistance, contact 626-968-9189 and ask for O.E.M. Support..."
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