Erst gestern hat Hersteller Nvidia seine neue GeForce FX Go vorgestellt, welche ATi im Mobility-Bereich die Stirn zeigen soll (News). Noch am gleichen Tag hat ATi auf den NV31GL gekontert und den neuen Radeon Mobility 9600 vorgestellt. Nebenbei wird es wie bei Nvidia auch eine billigere Lösung geben, den Mobility 9200 Chip, der auf einige Features wird verzichten müssen...
Genauere Angaben zur neuen Mobile-Serie von ATi und dessen Partnern, in der unten folgenden Pressemitteilung von ATi (Englisch). Vielen Dank auch noch an die netten Kollegen von theGOOM, die uns mit Bildmaterial des Mobility 9600 aus dem offiziellen ATi PresseKit versorgten...
"MARKHAM, ON – Delivering a powerful combination of innovative technologies and revolutionary performance levels to the mobile graphics space, ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) unveiled the MOBILITY™ RADEON™ 9600 family of mobile visual processors today at a worldwide launch event at CeBIT.
The MOBILITY RADEON 9600 will be the first mobile graphics processor to ship with hardware support for the richest Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 feature set and version 2.0 programmable pixel and vertex shaders, which are required for dramatic, true-to-life cinematic special effects.
Using an extraordinarily efficient 3D core delivering 12 pixel shader operations per clock cycle, MOBILITY RADEON 9600 easily outperforms the competitor’s fastest mobile graphics chips, and astonishingly, delivers up to 50% more performance than the fastest competing desktop graphics processors in key benchmarks, including the industry-standard 3DMark 2003 Pixel Shader 2.0 test.
“The MOBILITY RADEON 9600 family is so far ahead of the curve that for the first time, we see mobile graphics processors that deliver cinematic imagery, performance and features superior to the competitor’s highest-end desktop products,” said Phil Eisler, Vice President and General Manager, Mobile and Integrated Business Unit, ATI Technologies Inc. “With the launch of the MOBILITY RADEON 9600 Pro family, ATI is continuing to build a commanding lead in both the desktop and mobile spaces, and has again delivered world-class visual processors to the market.”
The MOBILITY RADEON 9600 family for the first time provides OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) with the ability to design notebooks with user-upgradeable graphics. Its unique, flexible architecture implements full pin and driver compatibility across multiple product generations, which dramatically simplifies design and lowers costs.
MOBILITY RADEON 9600 is a multimedia powerhouse with comprehensive hardware acceleration for encode, decode and de-blocking of MPEG-2 and streaming video formats, and is the overwhelming choice of OEMs for a new breed of portable entertainment notebooks. MOBILITY RADEON 9600 is the first and only mobile graphics chip to integrate an HDTV encoder, enabling component output to wide-screen HDTVs.
MOBILITY RADEON 9600 is also the first and only mobile visual processor to support GDDR2-M memory, which delivers DDR-2 memory speeds while significantly extending battery life through innovative power saving technology. The specification for GDDR2-M memory technology was developed by a team of ATI engineers in conjunction with tier-one memory vendors. MOBILITY RADEON 9600 gives OEMs the choice of using either discrete memory, or one of three variants that offer up to 128 MB of memory integrated onto the chip package, another industry first.
MOBILITY RADEON 9600 extends ATI’s leadership in notebook graphics power management, giving users both the longest battery life and highest performance. Manufactured using the leading-edge 0.13 micron TSMC manufacturing process, MOBILITY RADEON 9600 supports a low 1.0V core voltage, with power consumption as low as 0.5W in idle condition. Active power is at the same level as the previous generation, even though performance and features have increased dramatically.
The impressive list of new features found in the MOBILITY RADEON 9600 includes:
ATI is continuing to rapidly introduce revolutionary new architectures and moving high-end technologies into the mobile market at a fast pace. In addition to shipping both a standard and a feature and performance enhanced ‘PRO’ variant of the MOBILITY RADEON 9600, ATI will also begin shipping the MOBILITY RADEON 9200 mobile visual processor, which offers improved performance over the award-winning MOBILITY RADEON 9000, and includes support for AGP 8X.
Notebooks powered by the MOBILITY RADEON 9600 family will ship in notebooks this spring. Launch partners include Actebis, Alienware, Asus, Clevo, ECS, FIC, Fujitsu-Siemens, Gericom, HP, Medion, Media Markt, Mitac, NEC, Uniwill, and Voodoo PC..."
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