Nach Hersteller Club-3D (News), hat nun auch Sapphire seine neuen Radeon Karten angekündigt. Im Gegensatz zu Club-3D setzt Sapphire auf die komplette Serie und bringt Grafikplatinen basierend auf Radeon 9200, 9600 und 9800. Kurz gesagt: Sechs neue Grafikkarten von Sapphire. Hier jeweils ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus den Pressemitteilungen der neuen Radeon-Serien (Englisch)...
"March 6, 2003 , CA USA: Sapphire Technology LTD introduces RADEON™ 9800 ATLANTIS Pro: A leading supplier of ATI-based graphics products today announced the introduction of two new additions to their ever evolving graphic card family with the RADEON™ 9800 ATLANTIS PRO. Topple performance expectations with enhanced visual effects, before reserved only for big budget Hollywood movies, now made available to the home PC platform with the RADEON™ 9800 ATLANTIS Series’ robust hardware. Showcasing the only 8-pipeline graphics solution in its 2nd generation and coming equipped with 128MB of DDR memory operating with a 256-bit memory interface solidifies SAPPHIRE’s perch atop the high-end graphics card market. Both models promise to eradicate graphic system bottlenecks and inspire you to rekindle your passion for gaming..."
March 6, 2003 , CA USA: Sapphire Technology LTD introduces RADEON™ 9600 ATLANTIS and ATLANTIS Pro: A leading supplier of ATI-based graphics products today introduces two new weapons to their graphic card arsenal with the RADEON™ 9600 ATLANTIS and ATLANTIS PRO. Elevating performance expectations with enhanced real-time cinematic rendering and animation technologies the likes which have sparsely been employed outside of Hollywood, now made available to the home PC platform with the RADEON™ 9600 ATLANTIS Series’ robust hardware suite. Showcasing a 2nd generation 4-pipeline graphics solution with support for AGP 8x and outfitted with 128MB of DDR memory, the RADEON™ 9600 ATLANTIS injects unparalleled realism into today’s most riveting of gaming scenarios and solidifies SAPPHIRE’s perch atop the graphic accelerator market..."
"March 6, 2003 , CA USA: Sapphire Technology LTD introduces RADEON™ 9200 ATLANTIS Series: A leading supplier of ATI-based graphics products today announced the introduction of two new additions to their ever evolving graphic card family with the RADEON™ 9200 ATLANTIS and ATLANTIS PRO. Eradicating the theory that you get what you pay for, SAPPHIRE delivers unrivaled value with blistering frame rates at a fraction of the cost. Driven by ATI’s Quad-pipe architecture the RADEON™ 9200 ATLANTIS ensures a seamless gaming experience. With bandwidth abound the move to the AGP 8x standard hosts the capacity to deliver throughput performance unmatched by any other graphic solution in its class. Outfitted with up to 128MB of DDR memory and injected with a feature set showered with accolades the world over, the stage is set for the dawn of an era where you get MORE then what you pay for. Redefine your reality by loosing yourself in your imagination powered by SAPPHIRE’s innovation..."
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Mit der GeForce RTX 5080 X3 OC von INNO3D haben wir ein weiteres Custom-Design auf Basis der neuen Blackwell-Architektur im Testlab empfangen. Mehr zum Praxistest des Boliden in unserem Artikel.
Die neue 2024er-Version der EVO Plus microSDXC-Speicherkarte von Samsung ist mit bis zu 1 TB erhältlich und bietet 160 MB/s lesend, statt 130 MB/s wie beim Vorgänger aus 2021. Mehr dazu im Test.
Nachdem wir vor ein paar Tagen und pünktlich zur Marktverfügbarkeit die RTX 5080 1-Click OC von KFA2 angetestet haben, folgt nun der gewohnt ausführliche Review des Blackwell-Boliden.
Die Nubert nuPro XS-4000 RC sind nicht nur für die Verwendung am Computer geeignet, sondern kommen auch mit HDMI ARC, Bluetooth und Fernbedienung.