Die Hersteller Abit, Kingston und Asetek zeigen auf der CeBIT ein gemeinsam entwickeltes System, welches den momentan schnellsten Desktop-PC der Welt darstellen wird. In dieser Gemeinschaftsproduktion liefert Abit das Motherboard (Abit BH7) und die Grafikkarte (Siluro GF4 Ti4200-8X OTES), Kingston den Speicher (HyperX PC3500 434 MHz) und Asetek die Kühlung der einzelnen Komponenten (VapoChill und WaterChill)...
Durch den Einsatz der genannten Komponenten wurde ein CPU-Takt von 4,0 GHz möglich, auf welchem das System stabil betrieben wird. Genauere Informationen zum Speed-Projekt der drei Unternehmen, entnehmen sie der folgenden Pressemitteilung (Englisch). Wer selbst einen Blick auf den Rechner werfen will, kann dies auf der CeBIT 2003 am Stand von Abit tun (B29 - Halle 23)...
"Broenderslev, Denmark, March 10th 2003 - ABIT® Computer Corporation, Kingston® Technology and asetek® Incorporated have teamed up at this year´s CeBIT to present the fastest overall performance PC in the world. The system based on VapoChill® CPU cooling, WaterChill(tm) graphics and motherboard chipset cooling, ABIT BH7 motherboard, ABIT Siluro GF4 Ti4200-8X OTES graphics card, Kingston HyperX® PC3500 434MHz DDR RAM and Intel P4 HT CPU is displayed at the ABIT booth (B29) - Hall 23...
"The jointly configured system forms the ultimate platform for high performance PC systems", states André Sloth Eriksen, CEO at asetek. "The CPU runs with a magnificent speed at 4GHz, the Front Side Bus (FSB) close to 700 MHz and memory speed of 400 MHz. All the hardware will be cooled down actively and the CPU will be taken to sub-zero temperatures by the powerful cooling unit of the VapoChill system. Furthermore, the graphics card processor and the motherboard chipset will be cooled by asetek´s new watercooling product line; WaterChill(tm)".
"As one of the world´s leading motherboard manufacturers, ABIT is extremely pleased to be working together with Kingston and asetek to configure this extremely high performance PC system. The ABIT BH7 motherboard´s superior CPU acceleration capabilities and stability combined with Kingston´s HyperX(tm) high-performance DDR memory and asetek´s cutting-edge cooling technology, provide the users with a unique PC platform that takes overall PC performance to an entirely new level." Says Scott Thirlwell, Marketing Director at ABIT.
"The joint project dedicated to the creation of this power PC system can lead to a whole new era for gamers and PC enthusiasts," expresses Mark Tekunoff, Business Manager at Kingston. "It is truly remarkable to see what can be achieved when highly qualified companies like ABIT, asetek and Kingston team up to set new milestones in the PC industry. The amazing CPU/RAM speeds and overall performance of this ABIT/Kingston/asetek Power PC system really shows that it is the careful choice and configuration of individualhardware components that in the end provide the demanding PC end user with true customer value."
The 4.0GHz Power PC system will be displayed at: ABIT - Hall 23, Stand B29"
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