Ja, richtig gelesen! Gainward wird seine beiden GeForce FX Platinen (PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus und PowerPack! Model Ultra/800 Plus) mit einer neuartigen Kühlung ausstatten, die sich grundlegend von der des Referenz-Modells von Nvidia unterscheiden wird. Der bekannte FX-Flow von Nvidia bringt es auf satte 70 db Lautstärke, wobei die Gainward Karten nur 7 db verursachen werden. Wie die Kühlung allerdings aussehen wird, bleibt noch fraglich... Model
Ultra/1000 Plus Model
Ultra/800 Plus
GeForce FX 5800 Ultra, 500 MHz Plus
GeForce FX 5800, 400 MHz Plus
Yes, max 7db
Yes, max 7db
MB DDR-II, 1 GHz Plus
MB DDR-II, 800 MHz Plus
FireWire Card, 5.1 Sound Card, Games
Eine Luftkühlung dürfte allerdings ausgeschlossen sein, da ein Lüfter im Schnitt etwa 30 db aufweist. Passive Kühlung wird aufgrund der enormen Abwärme des NV30 auch nicht möglich sein. Hier bleibt eigentlich nur die Wasserkühlung übrig. Leider werden wir uns hier noch ein wenig gedulden müssen, bis wir erste Bilder der Gainward Karten sehen werden. Sehr zu beachten ist außerdem der Lieferumfang des GeForce FX 5800 Ultra Modells (Tabelle weiter unten). Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Gainward (Englisch)...
"Taipei - Hong Kong - Fremont - Munich – London – Malmö - Moscow – Feb. 1st, 2003. Gainward Co., Ltd, the leading manufacturer of high performance 3D graphics and home entertainment accelerators, announces that it will introduce the world’s most powerful series of 128MB 3D graphics processor boards based on NVIDIA’s GeForce FX 5800 technology. The most powerful graphics board of the series; the Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM features NVIDIA’s fastest GeForce FX 5800 Ultra and is priced at €649 incl. VAT. The Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/800 Plus “Golden Sample”TM is based on the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 priced at €549 incl. VAT.
The Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM takes the graphics environment to a completely new level. Running at 500 Plus MHz core clock speed and 1 Plus GHz DDR2 memory speed, the Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM is powered by pure adrenaline, delivering unprecedented 3D graphics performance to the PC platform. To further improve the versatility and gaming experience the Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM is bundled with a digital video-in IEEE 1394 FireWire daughter card, a high quality 5.1 sound card with both stereo output and optical SP/DIF output connectors, plus a variety of hot 3D games. All of Gainward’s FX PowerPack! products feature a radical new design of cooling system delivering maximum performance and incredibly low noise levels. Owing to Gainward’s advanced R&D skills the maximum noise is reduced to only 7db, the same as a human heartbeat. Competetive products maximum noise levels can be rated as high as 70db the same level as a domestic vacuum cleaner.
The revolutionary new NVIDIA CineFX™ engine introduces cinematic-quality special effects and studio-quality color to the PC. Redefine the limits of both, graphics performance, and visual quality with the Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM. – with 8 pipeline performance in combination with high speed DDR2 memory – applications and games will run at higher resolutions and at unprecedented performance levels. The amazing GeForce FX GPU also features NVIDIA’s Intellisample™ technology, Z-culling, anisotropic filtering and powerful antialiasing for all resolutions. These advances in compression and antialiasing techniques ensure realistic color and smooth edges at all resolutions while maintaining high levels of performance.
Gamers will see the most fluid frame rates possible at unmatched speeds for a truly realistic visual experience. Powered by the CineFX engine, the Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM shifts PC special effects toward cinematic quality thanks to a new level of advanced shading techniques. In addition, the innovative graphics pipeline of the NVIDIA CineFX engine has the built-in capacity to deliver true studio-quality 128-bit color processing, or 32-bit components for red, green, blue, and alpha values. By matching film-industry levels of precision processing, the NVIDIA GeForce FX GPU enables 3D worlds and characters to come alive – making Hollywood dreams on the desktop a reality.
The Gainward FX PowerPack! Model Ultra/1000 Plus “Golden Sample”TM also supports two monitors simultaneously (formerly known as DualHead or TwinView technology) with two independent 400 MHZ RAMDACs for office applications, 3D gaming and professional applications such as CAD, DTP, animation, or video editing. The maximum supported resolution for both displays is 2048 x 1536 @ 85Hz. Depending on the resolution the maximum refresh rate is up to 240 Hz. The integrated NTSC/PAL TV encoder support resolutions up to 1024x768 without the need for panning with built-in Macrovision copy protection. The Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) supports multiple video windows with full quality and features in each window.
nView Display Technology allows end-users to select any combination of multiple displays, including a digital flat panel, two analog CRTs, and a TV, and to modify the display properties independently, using an intuitive software interface. In addition to a VGA connector, a DVI connector with a DVI/VGA converter is also provided.
NVIDIA nView™ software offers a comprehensive solution for multi-monitor support, increasing screen real estate for more efficient viewing and switching between multiple active windows. NVIDIA Digital Vibrance Control™ (DVC) technology provides increased levels of adjustment for conveniently achieving richer colors and brighter, cleaner, and consistent images and text under any lighting conditions. The NVIDIA GeForce FX GPU also introduces the NVIDIA Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) software solution, for accelerating multiple video streams by moving video into the 3D graphics engine.
EXPERToolTM Performance Tuning Utility
EXPERToolTM is Gainward’s performance tuning utility that allows the user to easily adjust the engine clock and the memory clock of any Gainward product from NVIDIA’s recommended default settings to even faster settings. Due to Gainward’s proprietary, rock solid, multi-layer High-Performance/Wide-BandwidthTM hardware design, Gainward offers the end user the choice to run Gainward’s “Golden Sample” products at ”Enhanced Performance Settings” (both, faster engine clock AND faster memory clock) which guarantee significantly improved “3D real-world performance” for even higher resolutions at 32 bit color depth.
Gainward FX PowerPack! Series
“Golden Sample”
“Golden Sample”
Low Noise
649 Euro
499 Euro
Robust and Complete Software Support
Gainward products support all major OS and software standards with robust, performance enhanced, accelerated software drivers including Microsoft Windows 2000/ ME/NT/XP, Linux, MAC OS 9/X, Open GL 1.4, and DirectX 9 to deliver the best performance while assuring the best possible compatibility with current and future applications and games. Gainward’s products are also backed by a free driver update support through the internet, telephone/fax/e-mail technical support and a 36 months limited warranty. (www.gainward.com, www.gainward.de)"
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