Seit dem 11. Februar diesen Jahres ist das neue 3D Mark 2003 von Entwickler Futuremark erhältlich (News). Doch in der Zwischenzeit sind einige Bugs aufgetaucht und einige Feautres bzw. Einstellungen wurden vermisst. Daher hat man sich nun entschlossen einen Patch zu erstellen, der alle bisher bekannten Probleme lösen soll. Wir haben bereits püntklich zum Launch einen kleinen Artikel ausgearbeitet (Futuremark 3D Mark 2003 v3.2.0 Report). Weitere Details in der folgenden Pressenachricht (Englisch)...
"Saratoga, California USA – April 29th, 2003 – Futuremark® Corporation announced today the immediate availability of a software patch to the 3DMark03 benchmark suite. The patch provides support for Microsoft® DirectX®9.0a and incorporates enhanced features based on user feedback. Benchmark scores between the patched version and the original version will not change.
3DMark03 has become an instant hit with millions of PC users worldwide. Available immediately, this free downloadable software patch allows Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) and full frame pixel shader post-processing to be used simultaneously, provided DirectX 9.0a runtime has been installed. The professional version now also includes customization tools for different skins.
3DMark03 has set the new standard for easily and objectively measuring and comparing modern PCs’ 3D graphics performance. It runs a wide range of tests to measure overall 3D performance and individual tests, such as 3D audio performance test, CPU performance test, frame based rendering and image quality inspection tool. An integrated online service enables detailed test result comparisons with a community of hundreds of thousands of users and provides users with an unprecedented insight into their PC’s performance and potential bottlenecks.
Futuremark’s official mirrors carry both a 4.9 MB patch download for current 3DMark03 users and a full 177 MB download of the patched 3DMark03 for new users. A list of official mirrors can be found at
For detailed 3DMark03 and patch related information, please visit
A professional version with full functionality and advanced features, such as image quality tests and command line automation is available from for $39.95 for individual or $250.00 for corporate license..."
Download: 3D Mark 2003 Patch (v3.2.0)
Download: 3D Mark 2003 (v3.2.0)
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