AOpen präsentiert uns ein neues microATX Motherboard, welches unter anderem für den Business-Bereich gedacht ist. Das MX46 U2 basiert auf SiS´ 650GX Chipsatz (Intel Pentium IV). Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Hersteller AOpen (Englisch)...
"Taipei, Taiwan, September 27, 2002. - AOpen today releases its MX46 U2 motherboard designed specifically for the small business and educational segment. MX46 U2 is based on SiS´s latest 650GX chipset optimizing for Intel Pentium 4 architecture.
MX46 U2 is a microATX form factor with features designed for the popular low profile chassis for space constrain working environment. "We understand that there are more and more demands for such a form factor to be incorporated into SOHO environment" commented by Gerald Wang, business division co-head of AOpen motherboard division. "The design criteria has to consider three major areas - Thermal, noise and long-term reliability" said Gerald Wang. AOpen´s design and technical merits include 55,000 MTBF hours, Over-Current Protection and AC Power-on Auto Recovery and strategic CPU location for optimizing thermal considerations especially inside the AOpen H340 chassis.
"U2 stands for USB 2.0 and we want to provide maximum value to our customers when it comes to MicroATX form factor motherboard" further reinforced by Gerald Wang.
MX46 U2 has many features can only be found on the high-end models such as USB 2.0, ATA-133 IDE interface, 1MHz Stepping frequency adjustment, special military black PCB and enlarged heatsink. "We know SOHO users need performance, value and rich features, therefore we add all these features on top of the on-board LAN, on-board audio and on-board video" suggested Gerald Wang.
SOHO users will really appreciate this all-in-one, all-for-all model that are easy to use, easy to maintain and easy to upgrade with a built-in 4X AGP slot and two DDR memory slots.
"Compared with few years ago, on-board video has come a long way by providing more than just mediocre video. Nowadays, on-board video can have both 2D/3D graphics engine that´s comparable to mid-range AGP graphics card that used to be sold for more than US$150" Commented by Gerald Wang.
After AOpen released its small but crucial application software named Ez Restore and Vivid BIOS , the response from the worldwide users had been overwhelmingly positive, thus, MX46 U2 also has included these two features to accommodate ease of use and user experience. "EzRestore´s value has been recognized finally" said Gerald Wang..."
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