Und auch die Mulitprozessor Familie von Hersteller AMD geht in die nächste Geschwindigkeits-Runde und ist nun mit einem P-Rating von 2200+ verfügbar. Die neue 1,8 GHz CPU wird bei einer Abnahme von 1000 Stück, 224 US-Dollar kosten. Die Erhöhung des Taktes im Vergleich zum 2100+ ist eigentlich nicht das Interessante an der CPU, sondern vielmehr, dass sie nun auf 0,13 µm und dem Thoroughbred Kern basiert. Mehr dazu in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung von AMD (leider nur auf Englisch)...
"SUNNYVALE, CA -- August 27, 2002 --AMD today introduced the AMD Athlon™ MP processor 2200+, built on AMD’s state-of-the-art 0.13-micron copper process technology, to provide the high performance and reliability demanded by businesses for their servers and workstations. AMD’s 0.13-micron manufacturing technology allows processors to achieve higher performance while lowering power requirements, all on a smaller die size.
Today’s announcement marks the third and final member of the AMD Athlon processor family to transition to 0.13-micron copper process technology. AMD Athlon processors for mobile and desktop systems transitioned to this advanced technology earlier in 2002.
“Business users are demanding higher performance to increase productivity and our 0.13- micron copper process technology allows AMD to make that a reality,” said Ed Ellett, vice president of marketing for AMD’s Computation Products Group. “In addition, IT managers tell us they need longer product life cycles to get them through the tight IT budgets facing many enterprises today. With the AMD Athlon MP processor’s stable Socket A infrastructure, AMD can help lower total cost of ownership and protect a company’s technology investment.”
The AMD Athlon MP processor, AMD’s award-winning multiprocessor, delivers the ideal dual-processor platform for the server and workstation markets. For server customers, the new AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ provides the reliability and stability they need for mission-critical email, exchange, file, print and networking applications. For workstation users, such as engineers, architects and designers, the AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ excels on compute-intensive workstation applications, including digital content creation and computer-aided design.
“AMD Athlon MP processors provided the reliability and the compute-intense power that we needed to render a motion picture such as ‘Scooby Doo,’” said Mark Brown, vice president of technology for Rhythm & Hues. “We used systems powered by AMD Athlon MP processors to meet our intense deadlines, and they performed flawlessly.”
The AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® and Linux operating systems. With its QuantiSpeed™ architecture and Smart MP technology, the AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ can integrate smoothly into existing infrastructures, providing the stability and manageability that IT managers require.
Performance of a system powered by AMD Athlon MP processors is enhanced by the AMD-760™ MPX chipset, which provides high-speed peripheral connections for increased productivity and is compatible with all AMD Athlon MP processors.
Systems featuring the AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ are expected to be available immediately from more than 34 manufacturers worldwide.
The AMD Athlon MP processor 2200+ is priced at $224 in 1,000-unit quantities. For additional information on pricing, please visit www.amd.com/pricing."
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